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    New Homes

    Have you just bought a block of land or found the site in a great location where you want to build the home of your dreams Nino Projects has the expertise and the experience to create just that, we can guide you through the process including Design , approval ,construction and completion.

    Detailed plans specifications and schedules are supplied and followed, We have a dedicated project manager on site daily to ensure everything flows smoothly and nothing is missed.

    From duplexes to 3 story homes we have the team to make it happen.

    Attention to detail and the best industry craftsman to make your home a reality.

    With our contracts there is no hidden costs, we take great care in the process leading up to contract stage so it is very clear and all parties understand the process.

    • Prestiduios architecturally designed homes

    • Modern Contempory homes

    • Removal and Demolition of existing houses to build your new dream Home

    • Small lot Designer homes

    • Lowset Highset and Multi level Dwellings

    • Sloping Lot Designs